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Those New Year's Resolutions: How are they going?


You'll have to excuse us for being a little late in saying this . . . 

But Happy New Year!

Our tardiness is, believe it or not, deliberate.

You see, we wanted to give it a week or two in order to ask an important question . . .

Those New Year's Resolutions: How are they going?

Tradition dictates that the post-Christmas period is a time for resolving to improve upon certain things, not least our health.

Stopping smoking. Losing weight. Doing more exercise. Eating better foods. Getting more sleep. Looking after our bodies.

It's one thing making a resolution. It's quite another sticking to it. 

Studies have discovered that, as a general rule, resolve starts to wane after just one week and that just 40% of people stick to their goals.

So let us ask again . . . 

Those New Year's Resolutions: How are they going? 

You're still on track? We couldn't be more impressed!

The challenge is to keep it going for as long as possible. You have to be realistic. Set limits and don't attempt to do too much. Have small, attainable goals and think positive. Make notes, write it all down, chart success (and failure). Setbacks might occur, but that's okay. Look at them in a constructive way. Don't be despondent.

Our main resolution, incidentally, is to continue our ongoing efforts to raise awareness of the cancers that impact upon men and to support the front line organizations fighting to improve men's health.

In 2015, it is estimated that 1,658,370 people in the United States alone will be diagnosed with a new case of cancer. The disease, in all its forms, will claim 589,430 lives. That's 1,620 people. EVERY DAY.

In their midst, 220,800 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and a further 8,430 with testicular cancer. In total, almost 28,000 will die.

These are not statistics we share to shock or to scare, but rather to underline that, in 2015, cancer remains a prolific killer that poses a threat to us all. 

Yet with improved awareness, with unwavering support and with improvements to health such as those outlined above, we can make a difference this year. 

Like to be happy? You need to be healthy! 

Here's to resolve. 

Here's to better living. 

Here's to 2015!

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